Wednesday, November 14, 2007

People are so sad sometimes...

I told her that i was on a rampage today - and that its best if I don't talk to her EX-gf because like my mother always told me, "if you don't have anything nice to say - don't say anything at all."

but then the bitch IMd me...

(sounds of cracking fists and knuckles)

[twat faced whore]: nice quote
[my away message @ my best friend - twat's EX]
[me]: do yourself a favor and don't speak to me.
[twat faced whore]: just making a comment and [My BFF/her EX] isn't exactly innocent in this whole thing either...

--- pause here ---
I laughed so loud I scared my dog - is she kidding me?

how pathetic can you be, IMing your ex gf's friends.

What do you expect me to say really? "Wow geez, you are an insightful twat face. If you hadn't told me this, I'd still be friends with your ex - how nice of your to bring it my attention why my friends suck and you are the victim in all this. Can i come over later and comfort you, maybe braid your hair..." really twat face, really?

part of me is sad for her - cause obvs she'll never find anyone as great as my bff - obvs she's going to take like EONS to get over herself and move on. breakin up is hard to do - but really get the fuck on with your life! Don't you have friends you can talk to? oh, no i guess heartless twat faced whore's don't have those either.

i have seen your soul - it's ugly and it smells.

--- resume ---

i'm gonna be nice right now b/c i'm a forgiving person & ask you again to please, fuck off.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Sugar Rush is Amazing

so saint needed some space - cause i got on her tits!

Friday, January 12, 2007

how sad but how true

These days an income is something you can't live without--or within.
- Tom Wilson

Monday, January 08, 2007

googled myself and found

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Dream Sunday Night

Ellen Degen was my 'friend for the day!' we hung out, ate hot dogs (which she stole off of someone's cart while we were walking down a boardwalky area -- and she stole like a 30 pack of buns) when we sat down to eat at the beach with a funny umbrella above us we were eating chicken livers (which i DEF didn't eat nor did she)

then i babysay for weez's kida like i did every monday in a dorm room that was on a really big tower and we played alot, but it was only connor and gaby baby not aidian...then there was something really cool we played and i remember thinking "don't forget htis bridget, it's a good thing to play" but i did forget it.

another dream about a story i wrote that was becoming a movie about a man who is like super macho but is transgender and in teh process. he has people in his life who know about his transformation and is really in a better place than he was years ago. he opened up a restaruant and lives in the back of the building in a small apt. his old flame who was really his majorly old booty call comes back to town (she's married) but seduces him and he thinks, 'one last time i guess' but he's not the same guy - she's totally looking for a major screw (she's also played by the CSI red head in the movie) but he wants to make love to her one last time. he's all slow and foreplaying but she starts to rip her own clothes off. and as they start to get it on she looks at him strangley b/c he still has his shirt still on.
"don't you want to take that off?" she asks beneith him
"no b/c of my bra"
she dosne't listen to the reason why not, but instead starts to flip him over - and then he just really goes for it, his last macho manly i dont care about anyone kiind of f*ck. and it sucks cause it's over in like 30 mins ((not bad)) and then she gets dressed and is like "you're d*ck can ring my bell anytime you're in huston again" and she gets up and dosen't even really look at him again. and he gets dressed goes back into the kitchen with his other chefs and he has this like glazed look. he's flippeing veggies over the stove in a skillet with a huge flame and he's so sad b/c he's thinking that he is in the process of becoming a woman but if woman are like that why does he want to be like her? he just starts questioning himself and his gender id all over again.

but things got really hectic with shooting the raunch sex scene with the actors and i was upset that they were going to totally change the introspective part of the book to be like - then he changed and poof.

((by the way def never written that in real life... yet ))

Monday, November 13, 2006

shit - i have a lot of work to do

Sunday, November 12, 2006

football can be dirty

"he really does surprise you, ya know he can just be explosive with that lower half"